Chapter 2169 returned to the main universe

“Handsome, you guys go ahead. I still want to play here for a while,”Natasha said to Jiang Fei.

“You want to stay in the five directions?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Yes!”Natasha nodded.

“Then... Alright...”Jiang Fei did not force her. Anyway, he did not need to worry about Natasha’s safety at all. Sometimes, Jiang Fei even felt that even if he fought with Natasha.., he might not necessarily win.

“Then, I’m leaving! Goodbye, Handsome!”Natasha laughed and flew away.

“Alright, let’s go too. After you pass through the portal, don’t move around. Wait for me to come over and make the arrangements,”Jiang Fei instructed the rest of the people.

“Yes! Sage Lord!”Natasha left. Among the remaining people, whether it was the experts of the mountain of beasts, the experts of the nine-headed Python race, or even the dragons, none of them dared to go against Jiang Fei’s wishes.