Chapter 2247, two Fire God’s teeth

“You!”The Mirage Dragon stared at Jiang Fei with its mouth agape. For a moment, it did not know what to do.

“What About Me?”Jiang Fei smiled slightly.

“Are you a dragon, or...”the mirage dragon frowned and asked. He had long noticed the dragon’s aura on Jiang Fei. However, he had previously determined that Jiang Fei was a mixed-blood drakonid. However, after witnessing Jiang Fei’s strength.., he began to doubt his previous judgment.

“What do you think?”Jiang Fei smiled slightly and released his own aura.

“You...”The Mirage Dragon was even more confused. The Aura that Jiang Fei released was a pure dragon. However, he clearly felt that Jiang Fei was a mixed-race drakonid just now!