Chapter 2334

After settling down in the small courtyard, Jiang Fei strolled through the thousand beasts market for two days. During these two days, he had passed by the grinding horn shop three times. However, he did not even look into the shop because there were many people around the shop, jiang Fei found many sneaky people. Apparently, these people were lying in wait at the entrance of the grinding horn shop, waiting to walk into the trap.

However, Jiang Fei did not come up empty-handed these few days. At least, he had bought five illusion stones. Although there were too few pieces, it was not enough for him to start assembling the white star disc, but at least it was a good start.

One day, Jiang Fei strolled around for another morning and then sat down in a teahouse near the grinding horn shop.

“Sir, what would you like to drink? We have new unicorn blood,”the waiter immediately came over and said as he wiped the table.