Chapter 2387: The Missing Researcher

After leaving gun’s Cave, Jiang Fei was in a relaxed mood as he played around town star for a few days until little nine woke up.

“Ah... I slept so well!”Little nine stretched.

“How is it? Have you recovered your memory?”Jiang Fei asked with concern.

“Yes! Brother! I have completely recovered!”Little Nine said to Jiang Fei.

“Can you send me back now?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Anytime! Brother, are you ready?”Little Nine asked.

“That’s great. However, I have to take care of some things first,”said Jiang Fei as he led little nine straight to the teleportation portal.

“Where are you going?”asked the guard of the teleportation portal.

“Stellar Star!”Said Jiang Fei. At this time, Wu Rui and the others were still in stellar star. He had to go and settle them down.

“Okay! Five Spirit Stones,”the guard said.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei paid the spirit stones. Then, with a flash of white light, he brought little nine back to stellar star.