Chapter 2390:13 apostles

“Tell me about the cheaters.”Jiang Fei squeezed the words out of his mouth. Although he hated the development team, he had no choice but to follow their orders.

“It’s like this. There are a total of 13 cheaters. The development team calls them the 13 apostles of the evil god,”said vinylon.

“I don’t care what the development team calls them. I just want to know their information,”said Jiang Fei angrily.

“Although these guys are cheaters, they do not seem to have any connection with each other. So, you can defeat them one by one!”Said Vinylon.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei nodded. This information was indeed useful. After all, it was much easier to deal with them one by one than to deal with 13 cheaters at once. Moreover, there was no connection between the cheaters, jiang Fei could understand.