Chapter 2398 poisonous beast

After arriving at the year star, the cold air hit Jiang Fei’s face and made him feel refreshed. Although Simon was still terrifyingly powerful, at least now Jiang Fei had a clue, he knew how to defeat Simon.

Jiang Fei closed his eyes and sensed his current position. Soon, he locked onto the position of the endless sea.

“Brother, where are we going?”Little Nine asked curiously.

“We’re going to the Endless Sea,”Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“Is there anything there that you’re looking for, Brother?”Little Nine asked.

“Yes, I’m Looking for a poisonous beast,”Jiang Fei replied with a smile. He had been in the five directions for a long time. The most poisonous poison he knew was a strange poison called insinuation.

This insinuation originated from a strange beast in the Endless Sea of stars. This kind of sea beast usually lived in the deep sea. It would only come to the shore when it was about to reproduce and needed to accumulate energy.