Chapter 2418: forming a party

“Risking your life? What a joke!”Simon sneered. He watched as the male “Player”rushed forward and allowed his dagger to stab at him.

“Go to hell!”The male “Player”roared angrily and stabbed his dagger at Simon’s throat.

“Swish!”Just as the tip of the dagger was about to stab into Simon’s throat, the male “Player”’s arm could not help but turn. It was as if there was a strange force guiding him.., the dagger in his hand drew an arc in the air, and then stabbed towards his own shoulder!

“This is impossible!”The male “Player”almost watched the dagger in his hand stab into his shoulder. He almost used all the strength in his body, and it was impossible for the dagger to stop.

“Pu!”The dagger stabbed into the male “Player”’s shoulder, and he was completely stunned.

“You Want to kill me? You’re not worthy,”Simon said calmly. He was someone who could break the rules of power. Any physical attack would not have any effect on him.

“You...”the male “Player”widened his eyes.