Chapter 2428 Kubod people

Jiang Fei followed behind these “Players”invisibly. After walking forward for almost two hours, there was a faint sound of knocking from the depths of the mine.

“Am I going to meet the Miners?”Jiang Fei thought to himself.

At the same time, the “Players”also stopped in their tracks. They were communicating with each other. However, because they were using the party voice, Jiang Fei could not hear them.

“There are monsters ahead. Everyone, be careful!”The “Players”who were holding the equipment said in the party’s voice.

“Okay!”The other “Players”nodded one after another. Then, two “Players”with relatively good carriers moved to the front. These two people were equipped with laser weapons and melee weapons at the same time, they were among the “Players”in this party who had relatively high combat power.

As the group continued to move forward, Jiang Fei and the others soon met the miners. However, these miners were somewhat different from what Jiang Fei had imagined.