Chapter 2566 hints

“Where are we going?”Nina asked in confusion.

“To the spaceship,”Jiang Fei said.

“Alright.”Nina nodded and brought Jiang Fei directly to the yacht.

“Malekki, help me find out where the Horace Wine is produced?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Yes, Sir!”Malekki immediately started searching after receiving the order. Very soon, the answer was found.

“This Horace wine is a very expensive wine. It is only produced in the Valka region of the Vasari Army. Moreover, only the SAFLIN winery on KLA Pula can be considered as a rare wine!”Malekki replied.

“Very good. Then, let’s go to KLA Pula!”Jiang Fei immediately said.

“Ah Fei, was Vinlon hinting at you just now?”Nina finally reacted.

“If that guy still wants to cooperate, he would not lie to me!”Jiang Fei said.

“Sir, the route has been adjusted. Shall we set off now?”Malachi asked.

“Yes! Let’s Go!”Jiang Fei nodded. Then, the yacht entered the warp mode again.