Chapter 2569 was surprisingly easy

“Of course,”Jiang Fei said calmly.

“That would be great. Mr. David, please follow me. We will go to the VIP room to sign the contract!”Klien said immediately. If this deal was successful, she would be very rich.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei was happy to be the tycoon who bought things without asking the price.

The group of people walked down the spiral staircase and returned to the castle. Jiang Fei and Nina were both super experts. This little walk was nothing to them. However, it was terrible for Kelian and Martha. These two girls were just ordinary people, moreover, they were both wearing high heels. It was really hard for them to climb the stairs for half an hour.

However, even so, the two girls were still full of smiles. This was because the commission for this business was too much. It was so much that they could even wake up from their dreams laughing. For the sake of a large amount of money.., what else could they complain about?