Chapter 2589: turning passive into active

“Mom, I’m fine. It’s just a normal phenomenon caused by training.”Jiang Fei did not want his parents to worry, so he lied.

“I heard that Nina is gone?”His mother asked. Apparently, Jiang Fei’s parents had also heard the news.

“Yes! Nina was killed in a battle.”Jiang Fei nodded.

“What a pity for this child. Nina is so obedient. Just like our poor goddaughter, she did not have a good life...”her mother’s tears fell. Nina’s death reminded her of Shang Guanqi.

“I hope they can all live a happy life there.”Jiang Fei’s father sighed, then, he said to Jiang Fei, “Son, you have grown up. Your father can not control your affairs anymore. However, you must not let those girls down.”

“I understand.”Jiang Fei nodded.

After that, Jiang Fei chatted with his parents for a while. However, because of Nina’s death, the topic was a little heavy. Finally, Jiang Fei stood up.

“Dad, Mom, I have to go,”Jiang Fei said.

“Go, Go Do Your Thing!”Jiang Fei’s parents waved their hands.