Chapter 2685 Natasha’s mutterings

At this moment, the Vasari Army was in chaos. They were able to maintain the stability of the territory. It was already fortunate that they did not collapse. As for sending troops to resist the invasion of the universe empire.., that was something that they could not do anything about.

However, the development team could not just watch the Vasari Army collapse. If that happened, the opposing faction system that they had built would be completely destroyed. The game would not be able to continue.

Right now, the game was in full swing. The popularity of the game had just been released, and a large number of “Players”were continuously flowing in. The development team naturally could not bear to end the game just like that.

Hence, various subsidies and preferential policies were continuously introduced on the “Players”side of the resistance, to encourage those novice “Players”to choose to join the resistance camp after leaving the safe zone.