Chapter 2721 attacked

“Charge! All troops, Attack!”Just as Jiang Fei and the others arrived, a loud shout came from the army of the Kingdom of Reiden. Then, 50,000 soldiers rushed over with overwhelming force.

“Not bad! You even know how to wait for the enemy to attack you?”Jiang Fei was also shocked by the opponent’s attack.

Jiang Fei had already fought more than a dozen large and small battles since he left Hapsburg Royal City. The fairies were still more disciplined when it came to fighting. Usually, after the two armies met, the main general would first come up to announce his name and then announce his family background, after both sides had gotten to know each other, the main general would fight a few rounds. If one side’s main general lost, the other side would take advantage of the situation to kill.

Although there were occasional changes, it was basically the same process.