Number 2734

“Oh right, why are you free today? Didn’t your brother forbid you from playing games?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Yes, he went to work. I came here secretly to play. I didn’t expect you to be here, handsome. That’s Great.”Natasha smiled.

“Then let’s go out and play!”Jiang Fei said.

“Okay!”Natasha was of course willing.

“Where do you think we should go?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Follow you, handsome. We can go anywhere!”Natasha said.

“Then, let’s go and see the scenery!”Jiang Fei smiled slightly. Then, he asked little nine to send them to Chen Xing. It was spring all year round here. The weather was pleasant. Naturally, the scenery was the best.

“Handsome, where are we going?”After arriving at Chen Xing, Natasha asked.

“Follow me!”Jiang Fei rode on his sword and brought Natasha with him. Although the Chengying sword was not very big, Natasha was still a child and her body was smaller, therefore, it was not crowded at all for Jiang Fei to bring her along.