Chapter 2742, common sense

“I’m... I’m so tired... you... you... What are you trying to do?”Tu long looked at Jiang Fei and asked. He was exhausted after running all the way here.

“I’m not doing anything. I’m just going the same way as you. Do you have any objections?”Jiang Fei said with his spiritual power.

“No... no objections...”tu long was choked by Jiang Fei’s words. Did he dare to say that he had any objections?

“Alright, I Won’t wait for you anymore. I’ll leave first.”Jiang Fei forced a smile at tu long. However, to Tu long, Jiang Fei was baring his teeth at him.

“You... I...”After taking two deep breaths, tu long began to run with all his might. He could not let Jiang Fei go straight to Karen City. Even if he could not run as fast as Jiang Fei, he had to run as fast as he could.