Chapter 2776 robbery

After arriving at the burn unit, Jiang Fei stuck his head in and looked inside.

“May I know who you’re looking for?”An unfamiliar nurse asked when she saw that Jiang Fei did not have any burns on his body.

“Is Dr. Jonathan around?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Dr. Jonathan has already gotten off work. He’ll be here tomorrow morning,”the nurse said.

“Oh!”Jiang Fei nodded and went to look for a place to eat.

During the day, Jiang Fei began to wander around the city again. He needed to understand the city. Although the gamma ray space was not large, it would take a lot of time to completely understand it.

At night, Jiang Fei did not dare to go to the park to sleep. If he was tricked by others, he would suffer a great loss. After all, he had already seen the hope of success.

On the hospital bench, Jiang Fei slept for the entire night. Although there were not many family members accompanying him, there were a few of them. Therefore, Jiang Fei did not appear to be particularly out of place.