Chapter 2783, Thorn Leader

The next morning, Jiang Fei and his roommates were woken up by the ear-piercing ringing of the bell.

“Quick! Quick! Quick!”

“Ralph, don’t waste time. Hurry up and get dressed and follow us!”

Orlando kept urging them. As it was a military-style management, if Jiang Fei, the newbie, was late, they would be punished together.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei replied. Then, he quickly put on his clothes and rushed out of the dormitory with the others.

Everyone followed behind Orlando. They quickly passed through the long corridor and entered a passage. The passage was a gentle slope that seemed to lead directly to the surface.

Following behind Orlando, Jiang Fei ran while silently counting. When they reached the end of the passage, Jiang Fei roughly estimated that it should be about five kilometers.

As a secret door opened, Jiang Fei and the others walked out of the underground building and came to the surface.