Chapter 2822

The main reason why Jiang Fei wanted to get close to Lina was to gather more information. He needed to gather more valuable information, both professionally and personally.

Professionally, Jiang Fei was now a spy for the Archon. Moreover, the Archon had directly given him the rank of major. Although the main purpose of this military rank was to force Jiang Fei to carry out this mission, no matter what.., since he had accepted the mission, Jiang Fei had to do something.

Jiang Fei also wanted to know some secrets about the gamma space. After all, the more he knew, the easier it would be for him to act.

Of course, Jiang Fei did not necessarily have to help the magistrate. If the magistrate and Lina really had a chance of winning, Jiang Fei did not mind helping them. When the time came, he would become a founding father or something, perhaps he would have a better chance of getting close to the development team and completing his mission.