Chapter 2860

Jiang Fei had a good night’s sleep. The next morning, he went to work as usual. However, when Mr. Donner arrived at the Life Building, he was dumbfounded because his ID card could not open the elevator door!

“What happened? Did It Fail?”Donner was stunned for a moment. Then, he could only let the security guard open the elevator door for him. Then, he pressed the button to go to the floor where his office was located.

Because Mr. Dona was a senior executive of the Life Building, the security guards knew him. That was how he arrived at his office successfully.

“Ring, ring, ring...”not long after, the phone in Jiang Fei’s office rang.

“Hello?”Jiang Fei asked.

“I’m Dona. My identity card has failed. I need a replacement card,”Dona said to Jiang Fei.

“Alright! I’ll be right there,”Jiang Fei replied. Then, he smiled.

With a few simple items, Jiang Fei left his office and went straight to the elevator.

When he arrived at Mr. Dona’s office, the Secretary was already waiting for him.