Chapter 2869, after the crisis

“However, even if we destroy the existing currency, what’s the use of reissuing a new currency? Without the support of the lunar crystals, the common people will not admit to it. By then, wouldn’t it be a pile of waste paper?”asked the consul.

“That’s the key. You have to decouple the currency from the lunar crystals in order to resolve this crisis. Otherwise, even if the robbed lunar crystals are recovered, the banks will not be able to complete the exchange because of the overissue of paper currency,”said Jiang Fei.

“I understand the logic. However, the problem is how to get the people to recognize the new currency?”said the consul.

“That is simple. You and your government can just endorse the currency directly!”Said Jiang Fei.

“Ah?”The consul was stunned by Jiang Fei’s words.