Chapter 2961 Love Words

“Buzz Buzz...”

“Boom Boom Boom Boom...”

Following the heavy footsteps of the Mecha, the Archon’s vanguard had already caught up. At this moment, Lina’s motorcade was already less than 200 meters away from the mecha charging at the front!

“Da Da Da Da...”the machine cannon on the arm of the mecha started to spin, and a dense cluster of energy bombs swept towards the motorcade.

“Boom Boom Boom...”the ground was blasted into craters, and quite a number of vehicles were destroyed on the spot.

The truck that Lina was riding on was constantly moving in an s-shape. Although she tried her best to dodge those energy bullets, her speed was greatly reduced. The mecha behind her followed closely behind, and they were about to catch up to the truck.

“Boom!”An energy bullet hit the left front wheel of the truck, causing the truck to instantly lose control. After rolling all the way, it fell to the side of the road.