Chapter 3001,10,000-year duel

As the scroll gradually unfolded, the history of the Nemesis coming to this planet gradually came to an end. The general situation was similar to what Su Rui had described, except that the details were more complete, jiang Fei was not very concerned about this part.

When the history part was over, it was time for the content of the prophecy. In the scroll, in order to increase the credibility, it not only predicted Jiang Fei’s arrival, but also that he would lead the Protoss to regain the glory of the Nemesis, it also predicted some other major events. Through verification with Su Rui, this prophecy from 10,000 years ago accurately predicted these major events. There was not the slightest mistake.

It was precisely because Su Rui’s family had mastered this scroll that they became the royal family of the Mechs after the division of the mechs. Su Rui’s ancestors had learned a lot of things from the prophecy, that was how they obtained power and status.