
In the span of 3 years there are things that you just learned to live with.

You learn to drown out the constant sound of groaning.

You learn to find the smell of rotten flesh comforting.

You even learn to live without bathing for weeks on end.

All things that just become part of regular life really. But there is one thing that you begin to find off putting the more time passed. Namely, something that jars you the more time you spend by yourself.

It is, in fact, the sound made by another human.

"Shit-how loud was that?"

The voice came from a few isles over. Lower in octave indicating a male. Something that did, indeed, sent more alarms blaring inside me. Chalk it up to my last interaction with one ended with me barely getting away with ripped clothing to boot.

I sucked in a deep breath and slowly slung my bag back on me. My bat held firmly in my left hand as I gazed up and down the hall. Standing up, I began to move towards the back when the sound of a gun cocking caught my attention. My grip stiffened as I heard a voice call out to me.

"Hands up, weapons down. Don't want to spill anymore blood than necessary.*

I slowly turned my head to meet the face of the new comer.

he was decked out in, what looks like, military gear. His face hidden by a plaid green bandanna and in his hand was a standard rifle. He looked like he has seen and committed death by how hard he was glaring at me. I laughed ever so slightly, raising my hands up as i slung my bat back on my back. With a deep breath I soon threw the can at his way causing him to curse and try to dodge it as I turned to run.

My objective now is to get the attention of the Zs.

Quickly i shoved my hands in my pockets, turning an isle and pulling out my slingshot and a rock. As my legs began to run again, I shot at one of the shelves past me and watched as it's items all fell down creaking a loud CLANG as it hit the floor.

Whatever Zs were in the mall before were sure to head here.

With a laugh I began to head towards the back of the store, hoping to god that i'd find some sort of back room there. Maybe even the shipping dock if i'm lucky.


"What the fuck?!" i yelped as the sudden appearance of gunshots resounded in the building.

"is he fucking crazy?!" i found the words suddenly leaving me. My pace picking up at fear began crawl on my back. Impending dread about how the sounds will, more than likely, draw as many Zs in here was enough to send my stomach through flips.

I have to get out of here. I have to.

My mind barely was there to jump over the obstacles that littered the floor. More often than not tripping causing panicked cries to leave my lips in croaks, my voice cracking from not being used. Shaking my head, I found myself in a tunnel vision. My attention right on the back doors that i slammed myself into.

The stench of rotting goods hit me full force. A gag making it's way up my throat but I kept pushing. My shaking legs trying to make sense of where an exit would be as I listened to the man outside scream and curse.

it felt as if eternity passed before I finally reached the outdoors. My chest heaving as I stumbled out onto the asphalt in front of me. I took one look back, terror building in me, only to sigh out in relief seeing as that man was not behind me.

"C-can't stay, Gotta move..."

Whispering to myself, I stood up trying to pin point where my base was. I didn't have enough time to think about it. Instead, my breath hitched as I saw bodies in front of me twitch back to life.

Dormant for months until this moment of chaos.

I began to run aimlessly, too concerned in getting myself out of that situation to think straight. Swerving between the bodies and slamming my bat when needed. My mind racing for what seems like the first time in ages.

My schedule, my way of life... all of it ruined because of some trigger happy newcomer.


Bright heat pushed my back as i let out a screech. Confusion hitting me as i skidded across the road. The presence of a blast suddenly becoming apparent as I stared at the source of the explosion. My fear only heightened as the blackened silhouette of the man from before stood in front of an angry fire. A laugh leaving him as he stared back at the scorched car.

Who is even is this?!

With a gulp, I ran again. My limbs crawling into a sprint as i headed towards the buildings in front of me.

"You!" He screamed from behind me causing my pace to quicken.

I've got to hide. I've got to hide. This guy is insane! If he gets me who knows what he'll do to me.

The thought kept screeching inside my head. Creating a veil of hysteria to envelope me as I tried to figure out my next steps.

My eyes caught with a narrow alleyway, a car just barely covering the entrance and ensuring a nice hiding spot for me. Without a second thought I B-lined towards it, jumping over the hood of the car and immediately pressing my back against the rusted metal. My bat held tightly in my hands as I forced my breathing to slow.

My ears trying to catch any sort of sound but all that I got back was my heart beat. The toll the entire ordeal was giving me was starting to effect my senses. A throbbing ache in my head and my lungs from the fear that was no doubt running tracks in my system was enough to make me heave.

All I wanted to do today was get food. Just a simple in-and-out situation. Had I known I was going to encounter someone I wouldn't have gone out.

A scratching feeling began to creep up my throat. Realizing just now how dry it was from how much running I was doing. The need to cough was getting increasingly prominent when I heard something that made me bite down on my tongue to prevent any noise.

"Shit. Where did that little bitch go."

I looked up and felt my entire body grow rigid. In the side mirror, I saw the man's figure again. His hands holding onto his rifle tightly and I could even see him fiddle with the trigger. My grip tightened as I saw him looking around.

Please don't find me.