
The first sound I heard was metal striking against each other.

My eyes burning at the sudden appearance of warm light.

"You look like dog shit B."

I gave as much of a glare as I could causing Vince to snicker at my depleted state. My eyes squinting to get used to the lighting as I pulled the clothes on my body tighter onto me. Cold suddenly making itself known.

"Is it my watch…?" mumbling, I tried to focus on what's causing my headache and noticed a zipo-lighter clutched tight in his hand. The metal reflecting more of that warm glow before I slide my gaze over to it's holder. His cheek pressed back onto the leather as he slowly pulled that lighter away from me. Whatever warmth it gave soon turned to bitter cold as I finally adjusted to the light shift.

"No. Not yet."

A dry gulp made its way before a water bottle was thrust into my face. I greedily lapped up what I could but kept an eye on Vince. A bit unnerved with the way he stared hard at me. Eyes shifting with every movement I made. Under observation like i was some sort of prey animal.

"Why'd you…" I rasped by the time I finished my drink, "Why the hell did you wake me up?"

"Look damn near having a stroke. Twitching and all that. Can't blame me for making sure you ain't turning."

I raised my brow at his words. Easing my stance and struggled to understand what he meant. He, of all people, should know I haven't been bit yet. Considering the fact of how cautious we've been with encounters, I wondered just why he was "making sure".

His eyes trailed along my form, lips pursed and gaze hardened, before it finally landed back on my face.

"You were talking in your sleep."

This... did not sit well for me. My form straightening upon the new information which seemed all the more to prompt Vince to continue.

"Don't think I haven't noticed. I may be insane at times but I'm not a dumbass to these types of shit."

"I don't understand..." The voice that came out of me was small, scared even. A noise that surprised the both of us.

"You don't understand anything, B." He spat back, running a hand through his hair. Snapping the lid back on the lighter causing us to plunge right back to darkness.

My mouth opened to speak when the doors clicked open. Metal groaning against each other with the appearance of an exhausted Bryce. A yawn tight on his lips only to notice he wasn't the only one still conscious.


The sound of a door groaning awake cause my head to snap back. That warmth from before now gone as Vince steadily headed out. Not another word leaving his lips as Bryce clambered back on.

I couldn't help but grip my stomach. Unease settling deep in it's well worn groove. Had it always been like this? Always on the edge and paranoid? If so, it must be bad for me to feel like this constantly. Yet I can't stop.

"-ude. Dude!" Bryce sighed as he gave me a quick poke. My vision shaking as I hurried to focus on what I was looking at.

My companion staring with concern in front of me, the doors still open, as just above him I can see stars peaking. The moon shining ever brightly while being surrounded by thousands of twinkling little lights.

3 short taps brought me back from my brooding. Gloved hands pulling my body away before shifting towards my bag. I stared quizzically at Bryce until he pulled a single item, one that caused my head to sting when I remembered what it was. He began to shift through his own items, pockets and bags, until he brought out a tiny tool box and a flashlight. With a cheeky smile, the van was engulfed with light as he held the now turned on item. Every turn of his head caused shadows to dance and quake. A complete contrast to the warm light Vince had earlier.

I watched his nimble fingers begin to inspect the bits and pieces of the radio. Wires, screws, motherboard, and batteries. Each one carefully held and thoroughly looked at before being set to the side.

"You don't think it'll actually work do you?" I couldn't help but snide.

"Couldn't hurt to try. Besides, a radio's a powerful thing nowadays."

My lips pursed without me knowing but in the end, I let him be. Tinkering away to his heart's content. It was here that a shiver racked through me, cold begging to be acknowledged. Seems that my leather jacket was too thin for nights like these.


I looked up in time to catch the heavy military-style jacket he usually adorns. The quick scent of gun smoke hit me as I shot glances over to my companion. Bryce was already back to his craft, the sound of metal being fiddled with was the only noise he permitted. With reluctance, I shrugged on the coat and relished in the newly found warmth.

I don't remember when I slipped back to dreamless sleep. My last image was staring at Jake through lidded eyes as he hummed a small tune underneath his breath. The sight welcomed as it calmed my nerves from the dream previously.