
"Splash!" Green coloured blood splatted everywhere.

Yang Zhou saw the spider's wriggling legs under the nest.

Gao Xiang hurried over and thrust his sword down.

The spider's leg gradually ceased its wriggling.

Once the two pulled up their swords and lifted the nest open, all they saw was a dead spider.

Yang Zhou felt unreal. "You guys …"

What just happened? Why does it feel like a dream? We were in a hard battle earlier, so how did the battle end so quickly?

Lu Mingshu said, "This is a mother spider."

Yang Zhou blinked. "So?"

"It's the season for laying eggs now."


"The Tiger King Spider is protective of its eggs. Hence, if the spider eggs were to come to any harm, it would definitely be provoked to rush back."

"But what did you gather the spider thread for?"