Feminine Ways

"It's so crowded!" Gao Xiang commented as he dismounted the wolf. 

Lu Mingshu patted Little Daze and jumped off as well. "Go on and have fun, just don't get lost." 

Little Daze nudged her happily and then galloped away. 

There were around three to four hundred people surrounding the White Magnificent Peak, making it even livelier compared to the spring's second hunt. It was Lu Mingshu's first time being in such a crowded place in years. The crowdedness was a little bit too much for her. 

"This time around, there are four real disciples participating too. Let's stay away and hope that we won't come across them," Gao Xiang said. 

Lu Mingshu laughed in disbelief. "I was expecting you to say that you want to get rid of them all!"