
The first segment of the ceremony had ended, and the king and queen took their leave. After they left, the second segment – the disciples from each sect associating with each other – began.

Among all the Nine Jade Palace disciples, Shao Zhengyang was the most excited one. As soon as the king and queen left, he went around to mingle.

Tan Yubing turned to talk to Lu Mingshu. She was itching to leave, but the chaperones were still around, and it wasn't polite to leave before them.

Outside of expectations, Lu Mingshu was very easygoing. Other than chatting with Tan Yubing, she focused on the delicacies on the table.

Zhongzhou had abundant resources, and they paid particular attention to their food. The opening ceremony was an important event, so the feast provided the best food in Zhongzhou. Exotic delicacies and mouthwatering dishes were everywhere.

"Tastes good, huh?" a familiar female voice rang in Lu Mingshu's ear.

Lu Mingshu looked up.