
As soon as Lu Mingshu got off the stage, Tan Yubing rushed over to hold her.

Lu Mingshu bowed to the three chaperones before making her way back to get treatment.

"Who's plotting against you? That was too dirty!" Tan Yubing yelled as she put Lu Mingshu down and shut the door.

Lu Mingshu smiled at her while untying her belt. "Kou Wei was plotted against more than ten times. This is just a small thing."

"Let me." Tan Yubing took over and carefully took off the clothes that were sticking to Lu Mingshu's wound. "There were such matters?"

"Yeah." Kou Wei said it during one of their meetings. It's just that he was so skillful and daring that nobody had ever succeeded against him, so it wasn't well remembered.

After checking all of Mingshu's injuries, Tan Yubing heaved a sigh of relief. "It's not serious, you've just lost too much blood. You should take some medicine to enrich your blood."

Just then, somebody knocked on her door.