How did she do it?

Among the bustle, Yu Chen waved his weapons and dodged the attack.

"Miss Lu, you have quite a few surprises, eh?" Yu Chen panted. "What special technique are you using now?"

He was filled with curiosity now. Before he decided to challenge Lu Mingshu, he had researched about her first. Her ability, potential, ways of fighting, and skills that she used. He even went to talk to her opponents one by one.

Xing Kun swore that she had learned a special skill that could freeze the other party's mystic force. Xing Kun said that he was unable to control his limbs after fighting with her.

But her other opponents mentioned nothing about this skill, and one of them even accused Xing Kun of lying; if she really did have such a skill, it would have been an easy fight against Cai Zheng, so why did she struggle so much?