Where's the Badge?

Inside the protectorate administrative building's defence department's courtyard, a drunk middle-aged guy could be seen walking toward the hall with a bottle of wine in his hand, singing and dancing.

"What the hell do you want?" He sounded very annoyed. "Can't I even drink peacefully for a while?"

Two young cultivators were standing in the hall, trembling with fear as he came over. When he was standing in front of them, they bowed 90 degrees immediately. "Senior Gan, something went wrong! The trap in the dungeon was activated!"

"Dungeon?" the middle-aged man hummed, still drunk and unaware of what was happening. After a few seconds, something struck him. "Wait, dungeon?!"

"Yes, Senior."

The middle-aged guy immediately felt awake. He grabbed a badge of authority out from his sleeves and fiddled with it.

With this badge, one could have absolute control of the array in the dungeon.