We Are the Same Now!

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Mingshu slowly regained consciousness.

She heard the birds chirping and could smell the grass.

Lu Mingshu tried to lift up her arm, only to find that it was impossible to do so. She was seriously injured.

She lay in silence for a while. Not long later, she could hear shuffling beside her, and she felt someone putting a pellet into her mouth.

The pellet tasted bitter. Lu Mingshu gulped it down, and soon, the medication dissolved in her stomach, healing her internal injuries.

She opened her eyes and tried to sit up.

"You're awake?" Xie Lianzhen, or rather, Yan Wugui – who looked like Xie Lianzhen – smiled at her warmly and held her up, checking the injury to her shoulder. "I'm not as good as him in medicine, I can only clean up the wound for you."

He then opened up his mustard seed pouch and took out a bottle of ointment, applying it on her wounds.