By force

Jiang Yuan's eyes widened slightly as she looked over at Chu Zhengyan. 

This suggestion seemed to be beneficial to Jiang Yuan. Replacing her life with the badge would reduce the danger that she would face. 

If Qin Jun was the one who suggested this, she would believe that he needed this alliance, and wanted her to be safe. However it was Chu Zhengyan, and he did not show any interest in helping her previously. 

~What the hell is he thinking?~

But the crowd was waiting for Jiang Yuan to agree, and she couldn't exactly take her own sweet time.

"Accept." Lu Mingshu whispered. "Even if it's a trap, it would be better than what we are facing right now."

~Yeah right!~ Jiang Yuan bit her lips. ~It's obvious that someone's coming after me, what is there to hesitate about?~ 

"Since everyone is agreeable to it, then I will have no reason to go against it."