Unnecessary move

Lu Mingshu wanted to say something but decided not to.

Liu Jizhen looked down and sighed. Silence fell for a while before Liu Jizhen continued. "To me, Ah Sheng and Hui Niang, you are the most precious thing in our lives. What I don't want to see is you injured or suffering, no matter how minor it is because of the Zhou's. They aren't worth you losing anything." 

"....." Lu Mingshu hung her head and sniffed. "I'm sorry, Master." 

"No need to apologize." Liu Jizhen waved her hand. "You did nothing wrong. Get up if you feel calm enough to think properly." 

After some time, Lu Mingshu stood up slowly. 

"Master, please be at ease. I won't be impulsive." 

Liu Jizhen smiled thinly and nodded, "If revenge is what you want, go ahead. I won't mind even if you take Fu Shangqing's life. But I hope that you won't take revenge impulsively, because you'll be the one losing. Anger makes one go mad. As for now, calm down first."