
"Hmmm…" Xie Lianzhen packed his baggage happily while humming his favorite song.

Who would have expected that he would get to see her so soon? After they parted, he thought it would be years before he ever saw her again, but he was wrong. He received a letter from her recently, telling him to drop by the Nine Jade Palace for a visit. ~Did she get so used to me so she can't live without me anymore? Haha.~

"Young master." Xie Zhanghui called before entering. "Your stuff."

"Just put it there."

Seeing how happy Xie Lianzhen was, Xie Zhanghui couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Young Master, have you informed the queen about you leaving for a trip to the Nine Jade Palace?"

"You haven't told her?" Xie Lianzhen turned around as his jaws dropped. 

"Erm, no?" Xie Zhanghui blinked in confusion. "Didn't young master say that I'm only supposed to obey you…."