
"Why is the imperial physician not coming out?"

Xiao Lou asked anxiously. They had been waiting for a while but the imperial physician who was together with XuanFei inside the room did not go out after spending a couple of tea time inside.

"Did something happen? Cou-could it be…. C-could it be Fei'er is…."

Xiao Lou could not finish what she wanted to say. She was deeply afraid to continue her sentence. What if XuanFei was in critical condition that was why the imperial physician was still inside?

Thinking of those possibilities, Xiao Lou started scrying once again.

"Will you stop crying?! Your crying will not help!!"

XuanLi irritatingly shouted. He was already at his limit. His daughter, whom he painstakingly raised had a miscarriage and he did not know if she was fine or not, while his wife whom he treasured for sixteen years was now crying after destroying their daughter's future.

What a terrible luck he had, ah!