It had been five years. Chen Linyun left Rutherford University in Canada two years ago. He graduated with flying colors. Even before graduating he was scouted by big companies to join them for employment. Various enticing employment packages and job offers were presented to him.

The usual process of job hunting requires the applicant to submit his or her resume to the company. The potential employer will contact those who were shortlisted for further examinations and interview. Afterwards the company will choose the best candidate that fit the job opening the most.

For Chen Linyun it was the opposite. The company submitted their employment proposal to him. Even before he graduated he already had a stack of folders sent by the companies which were eyeing him. The companies were well-aware of competition, therefore they totally went all out with their offers. Companies which offered the employment packages came from different fields and backgrounds from investment firms to private manufacturing companies, all in need of a competent person in Finance.

That was how good Chen Linyun is.

Word of mouth had spread about him due to his exemplary show of skill over the internet. He made a name in stocks trading as an amateur, and this was the reason companies were after him.

Mo Wenbin and the other roommates envied this special treatment. However they were surprised that Chen Linyun rejected the best job offers among the pile.

"Chen Linyun, have you checked all of these?" Mo Wenbin asked.

"Yep, you can also take a look. I have already sent them my rejection letter. I said I cannot join them at this time, but I will try to recommend a person I know. Feel free to browse and give it a shot. You can tell them I endorsed you in my stead."

Si Yazu, Mo Wenbin, and Zhou Xin looked at each other and then dived excitedly on to the pile of job offers. They indulged themselves in the feast.

But looking up from the pile, Si Yazu asked, "How about you? What are your plans? These are the best out there.."

"I've already signed up with a multinational investment and trading firm. I'm going to start next week. They still need one more good employee, anyone interested?" There was a hint of a smile on his face.

"Me! Me! Take me in, Master! I cannot part with you~" That was Mo Wenbin.

"Hey, are you two in some sort of a relationship? Weren't you inseparable since young?"

"Mhmm.. Wherever Chen Linyun goes, I'll follow~" Mo Wenbin playfully said.

Chen Linyun was blushing, "What's wrong with you?!"

But he shrugged, "Whatever, suit yourself. I had my own plans, just don't get in the way."

Mo Wenbin enthusiastically nodded his head like a dog. If he had a tail, it would keep wagging like a happy dog.

Mo Wenbin was worried for his friend. Chen Linyun was not just a friend and a buddy to him. He was like a brother. They grew up together.

Ever since Chen Linyun was bewitched by the girl from the School of Art, tremendous change had been significantly observed from Chen Linyun. Mo Wenbin was afraid that his good old friend will not be rational enough and eventually would harm himself and his future. He could even reject the best future a fresh graduate like them can have. He had a premonition that Chen Linyun would prioritize looking for that girl rather than settling into a permanent job. It's something uncertain. No one knew how long it would take him to search for the girl. What if it took him all his youth, and it was already too late to startover with his career?

That was two years ago.

At present day, Chen Linyun and Mo Wenbin were both employed in Tiankong Investments – a multinational investment and trading firm. Chen Linyun had become the most treasured portfolio manager in the company. He was promoted to be the head of his department, and his team handles the investments of both private citizens and corporations. Mo Wenbin, on the other hand, was assigned in the Treasury department in Beijing.

The catch was that Chen Linyun, upon accepting the job offer of the multinational company, had requested that he be assigned in their China headquarters. The company agreed provided that he becomes a trusted member of their workforce. It had been two years, but the transfer to the Beijing office was only finalized a month ago.

After all these years, while focusing and adjusting to his environment as a part of the work force, Chen Linyun never stopped his search for his woman. In recent years, the search for her had become surprisingly easy. It turned out that his woman was popular in the business world in Beijing. She's slaying and nailing it until news came that she had already dominated the market. His heart swelled with pride.

However another problem arose. With the identity of his woman as an elite ruler of her empire, how would he – a nobody – could find an opportunity to go to her? He did not have an access.

He could only watch in the sidelines, for the time being. As the saying went, "Patience is a bitter plant, but its fruit is sweet."

The closest that he was able to get to her was during the Charity gala event held in the Four Seasons Hotel.

He was there as a representative of their company. Their main goal was to socialize and do some networking with the business owners and socialites. They were, after all, his company's potential clients or already existing ones.

He arrived at the venue early. He was wearing his usual business attire. As always, his face had been equipped with his round black-rimmed eyeglasses. He looked shrewd and neat. On the outside, he looked cool and distant; however no one would ever know the turmoil inside had been wrecking his whole demeanor. He was nervous and excited. Finally, the chance had come for him to meet her again.

The moment she entered the ballroom, all the other heads around him turned to her direction. Of course he did the same. The moment he set his dark eyes on her, his heart skipped a beat. Then as if to catch up, his heart worked overtime. It went, *thump* *thump* *thump* at a rate that did not seem normal at all. He could not tear his eyes off her.