The Charity Gala event was held on a weekday. The following day, Chen Linyun groggily scratched his head and yawned. He recalled some sort of a wonderful dream. At some point, he hugged her in his recollection.

"Deal." He recalled. 'I've won five meals with her!' It was like hitting the jackpot.

Chen Linyun stood up. "One more thing." He grabbed her hand that was resting on the table. He gently guided it for her to stand up. She followed her lead and stood up, confused.

The next thing she knew, she was enveloped in his warm embrace. "I missed you."

He wriggled on his bedsheet like a worm that had been salted. 'That was too cheesy!'

"Mhmm-mmhm." He was whining but he was also smiling like a madman. His face turned tomato-red again.

He found a slip of paper on his bedside table. It read, "Just in case you think it was just a dream, you are wrong. Everything you recalled happened last night." The first line said.

Then came the second line, "Just in case you forgot what happened last night, you executed your plan well, and had secured five meals with her. Five! You also hugged her tight."

Then the third line, "Congratulations, Chen Linyun. PS do not forget that she also mentioned suing you for hugging her. Just be prepared."

It was signed by him as well.

His eyes were sparkling. Five long years of waiting and planning ahead had paid off. Thanks to the influence of alcohol, he really made it. He even thought, "I looked cool last night." He smiled. No, he laughed. "Hahahaha!"

Mo Wenbin who was sharing the flat with him heard his laughter. It was such an unusual phenomenon.

"Hey, Chen Linyun, are you getting crazy again? Thinking about her again?"

"Not this time, Wenbin!" He waved the slip of paper at him.

Mo Wenbin grabbed the paper from him and read the contents. He almost puked blood. He knew that the woman Chen Linyun was interested in was a COO. The COO of the largest shipping empire in Beijing. An almost impossible feat was conquered triumphantly by his dear friend here who looked very weak and meek. Truly a wolf in sheep's clothing [1].

He was so proud of him that he joined his laughter and gave him a strong brotherly hug. He also tapped Linyun's back too hard. It became a sadistic ordeal to Chen Linyun but they continued laughing for a good while.


At Xue Shipping.

"This way, Sir." Miss Lin, the secretary of the CFO led the way.

In the morning, that same day, Chen Linyun paid a visit to the CFO to present his company's updated investment programs. He was able to get access since Xue Jinxu herself invited him to visit Xue Shipping to discuss potential business during the Charity Gala night, during their first very short encounter. He received the business cards of the focal persons and decision makers – including Xue Jinxu.

He had definitely learned from their past encounter. This time he made sure that he had all her contact details.

Although he knew her contact details, he did not contact her. Instead, he set up an appointment to the CFO.

That was why he was in the CFO's office today.

"Mr. Chen we are delighted with the customized programs your company Tiankong Investments had prepared for Xue Shipping. As you know, the business has always been growing and we really need some strategies in supporting the growth of our fleets. Let me review them again. I'll have my secretary to contact you again."

They shook hands.

Upon exiting the CFO office, and through the corridors, he happened to bump with the COO Xue Jinxu. She had a cold unperturbed mask on her face, and her chin was slightly tilted upwards, in what could be considered arrogance. She was the COO anyway, and that place was her empire.

She was probably going to the CFO office.

She did not even give him a glance.

Chen Linyun did the same.

It's as if they did not know each other.

'He was ignoring me after that night. The damage was done. I kept on thinking what happened. I couldn't even sleep.' She thought.

Xue Jinxu returned to her own office after finishing her short trip from the CFO office. Her secretary had called her attention, to supposedly give heads up for her.

"Ma'am, there was a delivery that arrived for you while you were away…"

Her room was filled with dozens of red roses in bouquets and baskets. It was too excessive that almost all surfaces were covered.

"There was a card accompanying it." The young secretary handed her the card. She was also blushing, seemingly touched by the romantic gesture.

She checked the card. It read, "First meal at Four Seasons Hotel. 7pm tonight. My treat."

The shrewd. 'So that's why he was here. He's probably here to observe my reaction whatsoever.' She rolled her eyes.

"Throw all of it away."

"Ma'am.. Are you sure?" The secretary was almost teary-eyed.

"Yes. If you want them for yourself, you can take them."

The secretary's face lit. "I'll just take a couple, Ma'am. Maybe a basket. Hihi."

"Make sure you get rid of all the remaining that you will not take. I don't want to see them here."

"Yes ma'am." The secretary obediently complied. She might get scolded if even one stem of rose or even a petal was left in her boss' room.

Miss Yan, the COO's secretary had been serving in her post for almost three years now. In all those years, this was not the first time that her lady boss received such special romantic treatment. However, no matter what the surprise was, her lady boss would only have one reaction – outright rejection.

She did not entertain anyone before.

This was a normal sight for her.

But not for the guy that was quietly observing outside the building of Xue Shipping. The building was located in a business district. Near the entrance of the Xue Shipping's building was a huge round fountain that made the area alive with the movement of the water. It also gave a vibe of a park within the business district.

On the bench that surrounds the fountain, Chen Linyun was waiting for any hints of how his sweet gesture had turned out. Mo Wenbin suggested it, in which he thought, 'What a cliché.' But he did it anyway. There was no harm to try. He was so determined to exhaust every possibility. He was sure even one of the thousands of ways to capture one's heart will definitely work with his woman.

It did not take long, it had struck five in the afternoon. The employees soon depart from their work one by one. While doing some personal IT business in his laptop, and while he still sat around the fountain, he was waiting for Xue Jinxu to appear. He wanted to see her face, her reaction.

However, it was already a quarter past five when she still had not come out of the building. 'Is there another way out for top management?' he thought.

Just as he was about to give up, Miss Yan, Xue Jinxu's secretary went out. She was carrying a basket and a bouquet of red roses each on her two arms, and even had two utility men to carry some more baskets of roses for her.

Chen Linyun thought Xue Jinxu would appear next.

But there was no Xue Jinxu.

He approached the group carrying the red roses. He faked small talk.

"Miss Yan. It's pleasure to bump with you here. What's with the flowers? Is there an event somewhere?"

"Hi Mr Chen. No, these are given to the COO as a gift. However, the COO instructed to throw it all out. It was so beautiful and it would be such a pity so I'm trying to save it."

She panicked and added, "Not that I'm not following my boss' orders. She allowed me to keep some, while the others should be thrown away so I tried to save as many as I can."

"A-Ahh. I see." Was all Chen Linyun could muster.

Miss Yan bid him farewell but he did not hear her. She went ahead.

Those red roses were shredded pieces of his heart, for her. It was tantamount to saying that she's throwing his heart.

This was actually the first time that he had done something like this. He was so inexperience with this and it really showed. If it weren't for Mo Wenbin, he wouldn't have done that.

At least he knew now that red roses won't work. One option eliminated from his long list.

Now he got worried. 'How about the dinner? Will she show up?' He knitted his brows.

'Nah. She will show up. My woman does not back out from her word.' He was always confident when it comes to Xue Jinxu.

However, he was still feeling restless and uneasy.

He went towards the Four Seasons Hotel. It was already a little over half past six when he arrived. His hands were so sweaty from nervousness. His heart was a mess. His mind was even more of a mess. Hundreds of thoughts filled his mind at the same time. It was mind-boggling.

He looked at his watch. It had struck seven in the evening.

[1] idiom of a show of character contrary to the external appearance