A young beautiful lady was roaming directionless inside a mall in Shanghai. She had a slick straight hair that ran up to her shoulders, with bangs neatly arranged just above her eyes. She had a heart-shaped face and high cheekbones. She was wearing an orange spaghetti-strapped top and slim fit ripped jeans with a thick fleece coat on the outside. On her feet she wore high-heeled boots. She had a sophisticated and elegant vibe.

She was there at the mall waiting for her best friend who was visiting Shanghai.

She's actually not from Shanghai herself. She's currently living in Hangzhou for around two to three years now. Her work was in line with architectural designs in the business districts in Hangzhou. She also manned her own exhibits and even travelled a lot for her artworks.

"Teng Man Rui!" She heard a shout from a distance.

A lady of equal beauty and stature approached her. "Xue Jinxu! It's been a long time."

The two beauties exchanged pleasantries. They hugged each other firmly. "How have you been? It's been so long!" One said, in which the other responded, "I know! Can't remember the last time! Was it five years ago when I left university?"

"No, we saw each other briefly two years ago, in Hangzhou!" The lady, Teng Man Rui answered.

"Ah, right! Right! How have you been? Look at you!"

They both inspected each other from head to foot, with smiles not once leaving their faces. "Let's find a place to chat."

"How much time do you have? There's a country club near here where I'm a member. We can go there and pamper ourselves a bit." Teng Man Rui said.

"I've reserved this whole afternoon just for you!" Xue Jinxu laughed.

"Woah, you're really on an unreachable level." Teng Man Rui slowly clapped, mocking her friend a bit. There was no harm done, they were just bantering.

"Well, you're the same though. What are the odds that you're also in Shanghai?" Xue Jinxu retorted.

"Well, just like you, I also made my afternoon free. I went straight from my meeting in Hangzhou this morning and canceled my afternoon appointments. I readily hopped into the train from Hangzhou going to Shanghai! You are top priority!"

They were lightly laughing while they headed towards the mall's exit.

At the country club they decided to indulge into a full body massage. They exchanged stories of what happened to each other in the recent years. Occasionally one or the other exclaimed, "Really?" or "Oh, my!"

A certain topic that was unprecedented before and was even – to certain degree – sensitive was timidly touched by Teng Man Rui. "Xu-er…" She started.


"There were gossips in the elite circle… About… About your betrothal…" She slowly completed.

"Ahh that? It's nothing. I don't acknowledge it."

"So is it true or not?"

"Well, in a way it is. Grandfather arranged it. But you know me, they can't make me do it."

"Is that even an option? Shouldn't you be obeying your family's orders?"

"Well, technically I should. But well, maybe not in the near future."

"Who?" Teng Man Rui probed even further.


"Who are you going to marry?"

"Well, I don't really know. Hahaha." Xue Jinxu did not even care.

"I'm just worried about you, that's all." Teng Man Rui admitted.

"Honey, don't be, your girl is tough. This isn't much of a challenge. As long as it does not happen, it won't happen."

"Or, they won't make you to marry if you're already married." Teng Man Rui said.

"What?" Xue Jinxu was lost.

"If you're already married, they won't force you to marry anymore." Teng Man Rui explained.

"What absurdity are you saying? I'm against the marriage itself, not just the man my family arranged. You might be confused with that."

"No, I'm saying, you have a choice out of it. Fake. Marriage."

Xue Jinxu got it now. Her eyes widened and she was speechless. The idea her friend had was for her to engage into a real marriage with a person she chose, under her business terms. The marriage will only be on paper. Of course it will be real and official in the registry office, but she could control and oversee all the terms. In the end if she wanted to end it they could divorce.

"Huh." She only sighed. "Let's not talk about it anymore. We're here to relax anyway." She lightly laughed.

"How are your exhibits and artworks?" Xue Jinxu inquired.

"Everything's going well." She grinned excitedly. "You should come sometime and be my guest and please do give some valued art critique!"

"When is your next exhibit? I'll check my schedule."

"It will be held in France. Two weeks from now." Teng Man Rui informed her.

"I see. I'll let you know. Most probably not in the next exhibit. Don't you have anything scheduled in Beijing?"

"At the moment none… Sorry. The concentration of my works is in Hangzhou." She was saddened by this fact.

"It's fine. I'll just give you a visit if I have the time. You do the same alright? If you happen to be in Beijing let me know."

"Of course."

Their conversation temporarily ended because they succumbed into slumber. The full body massage was so sensational that it made them feel light and sleepy.

Teng Man Rui and Xue Jinxu were best friends since they were ten. They shared their secrets together, no matter how shallow or serious it was. They knew what the other like whether it be material things such as dresses or bags or toys, or be it people in the opposite gender. They knew who the other liked or admired or had a crush on. They built their dreams together. One afternoon to the next they spent most of their time together exchanging ideas and designs. They even decided to enter the same university in college and took up the same course in the School of Art. They were only separated because of the unfortunate event that the Xue Family encountered.

Even so, Teng Man Rui was left in the dark. Xue Jinxu made it a point that no external soul knew about her brother's death. It was this time that they grew apart. They no longer shared everything to each other. They no longer had the same dream. They no longer knew each other that well. At first, Teng Man Rui was hurt, because she was left alone. She was left in the dark without any valid reason.

As time progressed she learned to accept what had happened to their friendship – rather, that actually, nothing happened to their friendship, and that the two of them were out of the adults' problems, if they will not allow them to affect them. And so their friendship flourished despite the distance, and despite the differences in the path that they took.