"Wait." Chen Linyun stopped her in her tracks. His hand had grabbed her left wrist.

"Don't leave yet."

Xue Jinxu turned her head towards the man who just grabbed her wrist. He was still seated on the sofa. His other hand pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses up his nose bridge. "Is there anything else?" She inquired.

He stood up. "My first love, do you know who she was?" He took a step towards her. She instinctively made a step back. He's still holding her wrist.

For the first time, Xue Jinxu's heart skipped a beat. She put her balled free hand in front of her chest, near her chin in a bashful way. She was staring at the floor. "I don't know her. Should I know her?"

He kept on making advances, she tried to keep taking steps backward. Finally, Chen Linyun who seemed to be getting impatient grabbed her back with his free hand and secured her in place.