"Mayday, mayday[1]! This is the Captain of MT Navig8 Song. We are currently encountering pirate attack!"

"I repeat, we are currently facing a pirate attack! There were armed men boarding the ship! Mayday! Mayday!"

That was the report received from MT Navig8 Song one random night. It was a bulk carrier merchant ship that was carrying dry goods cargo such as grains, salt, cement and metals ores that was bound to Quanzhou, coming from Taiwan. At the middle of the night, while waiting for her berthing in anchorage, MT Navig8 Song was looted by pirates – armed sailors from the surrounding area. The cargo was taken and ransacked. As fast as they appeared, they vanished into the night.

Xue Jinxu together with the executives was alerted immediately by this emergency situation.

Currently at Xue Shipping, the top management was discussing on what best course of action to take.