The very notion of her not giving him an absolute answer was quite off already.

As straightforward as she was, she could decide so swiftly with other equally and even more important matters before. If she couldn't, her personality would not permit it for her to stay on the gray area for too long.

Not being able to answer him either a yes or a no was too out of place…

Soon Mo Wenbin, Xue Guangxi and Su Jingjing all returned to their shade. They each snatched whatever food they saw. Mo Wenbin was eating barbecue, Su Jingjing was eating kimbab and Xue Guangxi was eating jelly. They ate for a long time, seeming to replenish the energy that they expended during their play.

Mo Wenbin, after filling his stomach, snatched the guitar next, and played a tune. They all knew the song so they sang together. The atmosphere was harmonious. They were smiling and laughing and having fun.