They had kept Xue Guangxi's identity a secret.

As to how the perpetrators knew that he was the Second Young Master, they were to find out yet.

The appearance of the girl Su Jingjing was rather suspicious now that they thought about it.

She first made herself known to Xue Guangxi when Jinxu was in Shanghai, and the abduction was conducted, again, when Xue Jinxu was away from the boy.

It was well-planned. At first, the incident with MT Dragon Heart seemed to be the main issue. It turned out it was only a diversion. It was a diversion, which also caused even billions of yuans to the Xue Shipping.

Because of the last-minute cancellation of the Xue Shipping's biggest launch, speculations sprouted from the public and in the market. Just like that, the stocks of Xue shipping plummeted.