At Apartment 201.

Chen Linyun answered the door. She rushed in. She was still emotionally unstable.

"Where's Wenbin? She asked while finding her place to sit in the living room.

"He's having some fun outside. How's… how's your… your engagement dinner?" He asked nervously. He was actually fidgeting the whole afternoon.

Xue Jinxu closed her eyes and massaged her temples. "I just came back from the dinner. The man was despicable, purely evil. I will never marry that man!" She was shaking her head so hard and rolling her eyes too.

Then she smiled. "Hey, I have an idea. Let's go camping tonight."

Chen Linyun was taken by surprise. "It's already almost nine in the evening! What are you up to? And, it's going to be winter soon. You have just recuperated recently." He rebelled against this woman's unreasonable wish.

"It's still autumn. Let's go! It will be fun, it would be… just the two of us." She whispered the last part in his ear playfully. His face flushed.