
She was rubbing her face again on his chest.

"Does your body react violently if I do this?"

Chen Linyun almost puked blood. He coughed. He coughed some more. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

This lady was really pushing her luck.

They were still at the camping site. She was teasing again.

When he had the opportunity, he sent a message to Mo Wenbin: "Wenbin, I went out with her. She said we were eloping, but don't worry we're not. Relax! I'll correct this. We will be back in the morning. Inform Guangxi, tell him not to worry, but don't tell him everything!"

In a few seconds, he received Mo Wenbin's response. "Wow, Chen Linyun, you're moving quite fast. Did you bring protection?"

Chen Linyun's face turned red. He sent his response to Wenbin. It was a simple "Shut up."

He returned his attention to the lady currently with him.

"You said you weren't playing with me, but look at what you're doing." Chen Linyun said, intentionally shrugging off her question.