They were standing at the balcony connected to their cabin. The cruise ship was moving towards Japan. The two snuggled close, not really talking with each other. The warmth coming from their bodies were enough connection to be shared between them.

"What were you thinking?" Chen Linyun probed.

"Nothing. I'm simply enjoying the moment with you~" She looked up at Chen Linyun. "But I'm a little worried, to tell you honestly." She sighed. "Should we keep our marriage a secret? If we do that, the betrothal will continue to exist, not to mention, the suitors will still be all over." She rolled her eyes.

"But if we disclose our relationship, and our marriage, our simple little dreamlike bubble might burst. I don't want that to happen." She looked earnestly to his deep thinking eyes.

Chen Linyun tightened his hold of his wife.

"Can I stand beside you now? You think your family will be able to accept us?" Chen Linyun was testing the waters.