For a time she had stopped crying. But they stayed in their position. She stayed in his warm embrace, not giving out any hint of movement.

They were seated in the couch, in her dimly lit apartment. The atmosphere was gloomy.

"Are you feeling better now?" Chen Linyun asked.

"Mhmm.." She said, without moving a muscle.

Then she escaped his embrace.

"Chen Linyun." She stared at his eyes. 'Can I trust you?' She said in her mind, but could not say with her mouth.

She gazed towards the floor. Her brother trusted the girl without questions. Was she doing the same mistake? Will it end up the same?

'No, Chen Linyun is different.' She pursed her lips. Her brows were furrowed with anxiety.

"Chen Linyun… I want to… put my trust on you… but…" She said, in almost a whisper. She trailed off, not even being able to finish.

Chen Linyun understood her context. He grabbed both her hands, and enveloped those within his grasp.