Xue Jinxu had hurriedly ended the phone. In her haste, she had said, "Miss you. Love you. Bye." Then sprung to her feet to exit her room.

Her hand, extended towards the doorknob, and all her movements stopped at once. 'What have I just said?' Her eyes widened when realization dawned on her. 'Oh my God. Did I really say it?'

Miss Yan opened the door from the outside. She was surprised to see her boss standing just before the door. If she had opened it with force, she would have hit her boss with the door.

"M-ma'am, excuse me… Would like to remind you of your meeting. They are waiting for you at the conference room."

Xue Jinxu blinked several times. Her face was pale as if she hsd just seen a ghost. "E-en."

Miss Yan led the way. They went together. Miss Yan escorted Xue Jinxu who was so lost at the moment. If she had gone alone, who knows to which corridor and room she'll end up arriving at.