Chen Linyun freed his right hand from gripping the tub's edge to support Xue Jinxu's head. He placed his hand just above her nape. His kisses became more urgent, so much deeper, and richer. He was becoming greedy. He was wanting more of his woman. He was sucking, and biting her skin ever so gently. He continued leaning forward. They were both kneeling now, leaning towards the tub's wall.


They fell.

They went out of the tub together, over the edge. They lied on their side and back. Xue Jinxu's wet back had slid against the tub's edge causing their fall. Xue Jinxu had taken more damage on the fall. The tub's edge scratched against her back's skin. She landed on her back, around her right shoulder, Chen Linyun falling over on her too. It was fortunate that Chen Linyun's hand was supporting her head. It did not hit the floor.

"Jinxu… are you okay?"