Kang Sola had not known about the news regarding The Great Adventurer until late afternoon the day the incident happened. When she reached her dormitory, she showered and then defeated by fatigue, she was knocked unconscious into deep slumber. She awoke only around four in the afternoon.

She checked her vlog's website. It was flooded with comments and inquiries. She scrolled down the comments section of her last video. They were asking about The Great Adventurer.

"Sola, were you on-board The Great Adventurer these past days?"

"Please confirm if The Great Adventurer was really the cruise ship you were featuring in your vlogs!"

"Miss Sola, how are you? Were you on-board the ship when it capsized? Please be safe!!"

'Capzised?' Had she really read the comments right? The Great Adventurer… capsized?