Upon returning Xue Guangxi personally checked the videos that he got from Kang Sola.

At first he got bored easily, and was only trying to complete the task as part of his responsibility. But as soon as he opened clip after clip, he found himself immensely enjoying the task.

Xue Guangxi was in his room, in his own flat. After his sister got married, he decided to get his own flat near the university, making proximity to the school as his main argument to his parents. The elders obliged, considering the situation Xue Guangxi was in – he was studying and working at the same time.


He bellowed. Good thing that he was alone or else anyone that would have witnessed his laugh would have questioned his mental stability.

"This girl is too funny! HAHAHAHA!" He closed his eyes involuntarily, the corner of his eyes already shedding tears from too much laughter. His hand was on his tummy, cradling his aching tummy from laughing too hard.